Tag Archives sunday sleep stories

Sleep Series Part 2: Wyatt’s Sleep Story


For part two in our series: Sunday Sleep Stories, I’ll highlight what Wyatt’s sleep actually looked like over the past 16 months. (If you missed part 1 of the series: A Sleep Snapshot, you can find it HERE.)

Thinking back to the newborn days, those first few months seem like a fog. I just remember not sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time and somehow living on baby snuggles and coffee. (I even tried not drinking coffee for a while because I had read somewhere that some nursing mom stopped drinking…

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Sleep Stories Part 1: Sleep Snapshot


Sleep is something all moms seem to talk about constantly, and it seems to be always changing for little ones. I decided to start a “Sunday Sleep Stories” series on Hello Hughes to talk about our experience with sleep over the first 16 months of Wyatt’s life. This series will have a post once a week on Sundays and some topics I will cover are sleep schedules, sleep gear, co-sleeping, postpartum sleep support, sleep training, and sleep while traveling. As always, comment, email or DM me about anything else you’d like to hear about or with any questions…

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