Tag Archives olay

Tips & Tricks to Getting the Perfect Family Photo


It’s that time of year again, time to take the dreaded Christmas card family photo. 

This has been our most tricky year yet, my (only a little) terrible two year old could not have cared less if I got the shot or not. It has taken me a week to even want to look at the photos and transfer them from my camera to my computer because I don’t know if we actually got a Christmas card worthy shot. It was cold, windy, too sunny, Wyatt’s nose was running like a faucet & my…

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5 Tips for Keeping Skin Hydrated This Summer


I don’t know about you, but my skin tone and texture changes with the seasons. The winter brings some expected changes, but summer comes with its own arsenal of issues for my skin to deal with: increased sun exposure, drying chlorine pools, air conditioning, showering more frequently because I’m sweating all the time…the list goes on.

To combat skin dryness this summer, I teamed up with Olay to share 5 tips to keep skin glowing and hydrated!

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