Tag Archives lifestyle

Wyatt’s First Birthday Party


Wyatt’s first birthday was something I started thinking about a few months in advance, I was super excited about it and am crazy about party planning. I love a good theme for a birthday party, and even though this was a kid’s party, I still wanted it to be tasteful. My go-to first move when party planning is Pinterest. As soon as I came across the “Party Animal” theme, I knew it was the one…plus Wyatt’s love of animals didn’t hurt. The party was a success, we ended up having 24 adults and 6 babies in our little…

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My Top 5 Casual Sneakers


Living in the city I walk EVERYWHERE. No car means the stroller is our only set of wheels, so getting anywhere means that it’s by foot. On most days I love not having a car, it’s so easy to pop Wyatt in the stroller and be out the door, but sometimes after walking up and down the city, my feet are not so pleased. In the summer I love, love wearing sandals…I idiotically wear them everywhere when it’s warm. Last weekend you could find me in my sandals hobbling to the subway in the East Village…

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Hosting: Bohemian Woodlands Engagement Party


ruffle romper- sold out (similar | similar) | earringscuff 1 | cuff 2 | cuff 3

My dad’s side of the family has been going to the same Minnesota lake resort every August for over 40 years (crazy right?!) Shangri-La has a special place in all of our hearts and it’s an extra special week each year because our family is spread out all over the country, so this is our time to be together. My…

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Cold Brew Coffee Obsession


top | joggers | slippers | cuff 1 | cuff 2 | cuff 3

Tim and I love our coffee…and as new parents, let’s be honest, it’s basically a necessity. Especially when we travel. Wyatt isn’t a great sleeper on the road (our prince really likes the privacy of his own room, the comfort of his dream crib, and his normal schedule) so when it comes to coffee, we don’t fool around. Wyatt had us up at 5:30 am today and…

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Home Decor: Bedroom Reveal


bed | sheets | shams | nightstands | lamps (Homegoods) similar | boxwood topiaries

Here’s a look at our current New York City bedroom. Once in a while it actually looks like this…normally there are some clothes strewn about and I really only make my bed when I wash the sheets, or am having guests over…or for these pics (you’re welcome.) As you can see, I tend to lean towards a neutral color pallet in my home and always end up coming…

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