Tag Archives breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Experience & Weaning


Breastfeeding both of my children had been positive experiences. Sure, I had my fair share of blocked ducts, sore nipples, baby nibbles turned into painful bites, and countless hours of feeling like a human pacifier over the course of 26 months total of breastfeeding. But also countless hours of staring into the tiny face of a baby that I was able to connect & bond with through this experience. I was not a mom who loved breastfeeding (I also didn’t hate it), it didn’t feel super magical to me like some moms talk about, but overall it felt…

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Supplementing with Formula: When and Why I Started


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From the beginning I was never really self conscious about breastfeeding in public. Wyatt was born on a Saturday and by Monday I was out and about, breast feeding in the park and not thinking twice about it. I breastfed everywhere- parks, planes, beaches, bars (jk, but not really- I’ve nursed in bar bathroom, Wyatt wanted a happy hour drink too…can’t blame him!). We like to be out of the house, so if that meant whipping a boob out in public, then so be it.


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