I am a compulsive over packer…I usually show up for trips with way too much baggage or a suitcase that is overweight. I’d rather be over prepared, and I like to have options once I arrive. Unfortunately with a baby my packing has become even worse because now I over pack for both of us. Needless to say, this was definitely the case when we showed up to the hospital ready to give birth with two suitcases in tow like we were going away for a week. I ended up staying only one night in the hospital so I needed even less than I thought…but again while I was in labor I definitely wasn’t worried about what I had forgotten or not packed…because I literally packed everything. I had done an extensive amount of research as as I put together my packing list, reading different blogs, figuring out what exactly they had at my hospital and what they didn’t, and trying to understand what my postpartum body would need and want to wear. The uncertainty of when the baby would come and who was actually inside there was enough, I wanted to to run no risks of feeling like I wasn’t prepared for the stuff I could actually control- so I just packed up everything. I packed my bags at 35 weeks…they were packed for a whole 5 weeks before I needed them, absolutely not necessary, but again it gave me peace of mind. Having gone through it once (a year ago now!) I definitely feel more prepared to pack next time. My list is below, what is crossed out are things I didn’t use. Hopefully I can pare my list down for next round based on that, but no promises I won’t go back to my original list…hormones.
Hospital Birth Bag
For the Baby
You really only need something for your baby to wear home. I brought a few options because I didn’t know how big my baby would really be when he came out and again, I like options. He went home in this outfit, which was definitely a little tricky to put on vs. a snap front one piece or a kimono style onesie (so it doesn’t get in the way of the healing belly button), but it was so stinking cute. I spent more time than I’d like to admit on deciding what his debt outfit would be, but I felt like it was kind of a defining thing, he was meeting the outside world for the first time…he had to look good! Most of his 30 hours in the hospital Wyatt was just in onesies that the hospital gave us and swaddled, this is usually for the best because the umbilical cord is healing so it can get an outfit a little yucky. We also brought some of our own swaddles- we only used one for some pictures, but I’ll definitely be bringing some along again next time.
- Two Piece Going Home Outfit: Jogger Set pants + top (similar) moccasins hat
One Piece Going Home Outfit(similar to what I brought) one that snaps, kimono option Didn’t use, but I will definitely bring again next time.- Swaddle and Hat sets: Navy + Gray I love these, they’re so soft and stretchy, also Aden + Anais is always a winner in the swaddle game. The hospital has hats, but I brought a few of our own to use!
- Alternative Swaddle: Once we got Wyatt home we used this swaddle and never looked back…so I might bring one to the hospital next time.
The hospital will pretty much have everything for the baby and sent us home with a bunch of stuff for Wyatt too- but we brought these two items and probably will next time too.
Zoli Nail File– our doctors recommended just always filing nails vs putting mittens on the baby because they don’t get to explore as much if they’re in mittens. Wyatt didn’t come out with long nails but some babes do, this file is super easy to use!Pacifiers(2)- We didn’t start Wyatt on a paci until he was two weeks old to avoid nipple confusion, but if our next babe is at good at nursing as Wyatt was from the get-go we might into one right away.
For Mom
I packed so much for this section, and I’m sure I’ll pack a ton again next time. I think if I had been in the hospital for more than a night I would have used more. You still look pretty pregnant after you give birth, day 1 postpartum I looked how I did at 6 months pregnant. Your uterus is just expanded still. I definitely felt a lot smaller right after giving birth but looking back at pic of myself, I definitely still looked pregnant. Also there is a lot of blood the first day…I was very appreciative that I was wearing hospital gowns most of the time because things are a mess. I don’t need extra laundry when I get home or ruined clothes. So keep those things in mind when you decide what pieces of clothing to bring! I also gave birth when it was 80 degrees out, so clothing options might vary with the season.
- Nursing Tank (wore under a robe when I wanted more privacy- especially with visitors)
- Socks:
Grip Bottom(I didn’t walk while I was laboring at the hospital) and regular (2) - PJ pants + Matching Robe (I love this set)
- Additional Robes: Blue Plum Pretty Sugar,
Floral Plum Pretty Sugar(I have a robe obsession…yes I brought three total. I wanted a few pretty options for pictures.) - Belly Wrap (the hospital gave me one too…it helps your uterus shrink back down)
- Nursing Nightgown
- Sandals: walking +
going home UnderwearThis was mainly on my list in case…but they give you disposable underwear at the hospital…it is literally the best, you won’t want to wear anything else. My hospital gave me a ton to bring home too, definitely ask if you can have any to-go. And while we’re on the topic- those huge pads they have and the ones with the ice in them…ask for as much as you can to-go, you will be happy you did!Nursing Bra(I just wore a nursing tank and/or just a robe)JoggersT-ShirtGoing Home Outfit: shirt dress(I wore a robe and matching sweats for our 5 minute ride home…my legs were still swollen and had no business being in a dress.)Slippers(might be more useful in colder temps, I just used sandals around the hospital)Button Down Sleep Shirt(good for easy access while nursing, just didn’t use)PJ Shorts- I debated getting one of those cute(r) looking hospital gowns, but they weren’t actually that much better looking than normal hospital gowns in my opinion, and honestly what I was wearing was the last thing on my mind when I was in labor. It’s a mess so anything you give birth in is basically destroyed unless you plan on keeping something covered in blood and who knows what else to wash two days later when you get home…I didn’t think so.
I basically packed the items I would to go on any trip pus a few “birth” extras. I was so happy I had my hair and makeup items, it felt so good to shower, blow dry my hair and look somewhat normal after the birth. Also pictures last forever.
- Chapstick
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush + Toothpaste
- Face Lotion
- Face Wipes
- Prenatal Vitamins: to continue taking for breastfeeding
- Shampoo, Conditioner, Blow Out Balm
- Hair Ties
- Makeup: pictures, duh.
- Blow Dryer
- Brushes: Paddle + Round
Straightener(next time, maybe a curling wand instead)gumsleep maskDepends…again they have all the stuff you need for down under, but def stock up on these for after…you’ll be doing a whole lot less laundry!LanolinI never had to use this thankfully…but it’s for sore and cracked nips.TumsMy heartburn was terrible when I was prego, but it magically disappeared as soon as I went into labor!Stool Softener: the hospital will give you this but good to have at home
For Dad
Dad is there the whole time too, and even though we lived only 5 minutes from the hospital, there was no sense in going back and forth for anything, Tim didn’t want to miss a minute of our new little guy. So we just packed what we normally would for Tim for a two day trip- a mix of nicer clothes (jeans and a button down) and comfortable clothes.
- Underwear
- Socks
- Sneakers
- Sandals
- Lululemon Sweats
- Gym shorts to sleep in
- Jeans
- T-shirts
- Toothbrush
- Floss
- Deodorant
- Chapstick
- Laptop + Plug (werk, werk, werk, werk, werk)
Flannel button down for skin-to-skin(he just took his shirt off)Patagoniait was really hot out
- Jambox: Or any speaker for music during labor, birth and after!
- Trash Bag: for dirty laundry, just to stay organized
- Water Bottle
- Chargers (for mom and dad)
- Good Camera
- Carseat (probably will be installed in your car, but if your plan was to Uber to the hospital like ours was, make sure you don’t forget it!)
Pillows(We ended up not bringing these after much debate…we def could have used them, but in the end we didn’t want our nice pillows in the hospital…might buy some cheap ones to bring next time.)- Snacks for Tim + after delivery (IMPORTANT!!!! We packed things that I could pack ahead of time like granola bars, nuts, goldfish, trail mix, etc.)
Homemade Cookies for the Nurses + Doctors(I had made cookie dough and froze it in balls to pop in the oven when I went into labor, with thank you tags all made up, but my labor progressed more quickly than I anticipated so I wasn’t able to bake and bring them. But I’m determined to next time…I definitely regretted not having them in the hospital.)- Wallet
- Keys
- Phone
That’s it! Happy packing! Enjoy this quick clip of tim saying “bags are packed!” all excited as I try to waddle out the door more than halfway through my labor and in more pain than I like to remember!
What do you think?