How We Told the Kids About Baby #3


When I was pregnant with Reese we found out just before Wyatt turned two, so we told him right away because he was too young to really get it. I actually had Wyatt bring Tim the pregnancy test to tell him.

But this time around, Wyatt is a little over 4, already had a sibling, so he definitely understands what having another baby means. Reese is still too young to get it.

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We’re Having A(nother) Baby!


My Dress (also here)| Reese’s Big Sister Dress | Wyatt’s Big Brother Shirt |Bassinet | Sign- designed by me, 16 x 20 printed here | Bed | Roman Shades | Rug | Lamps

We have basically always known we wanted three kids, Tim is one of three and I’m one of four. Our family doesn’t quite feel complete yet, and I’m hoping that after baby #3 we feel that way! So here we go with round…

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Christmas Activity Advent Calendar


advent calendar

Last year instead of having an advent calendar with a piece of chocolate or mini present each day, I filled it with little slips of paper with Christmas activities. It acted like a Christmas season bucket list & was full of Christmas events we already had planned (ride a train to the “north pole,” have breakFast with Santa, etc.), fun mini Christmas activities or projects (baking Christmas cookies, making ornaments, etc.), as well as things to keep the meaning of the season in mind (donating food to those less fortunate, giving a…

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A Morning At The Zoo


Now that Massachusetts is starting to open back up, I’ve been jumping at any safe activity I can do with my kids that’s outside of our own backyard. We took Wyatt and Reese to Franklin Park Zoo in Boston this week & it was so great to have a change of scenery in a way we felt comfortable with: outdoors, distance, masks & plenty of sanitation.

Both Zoo New England locations, the Franklin Park Zoo & Stone Zoo reopened to the general public this month with new protocols…

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Preschool Social Distancing Schedule & Activities


Due to Coronavirus, school has been cancelled for us for at least the next two weeks AND we are avoiding playdates, grandparent visits, organized activities, and the playground to practice social distancing effectively, so we need to fill our time purposefully or we are all going to lose it!

As a former elementary and preschool teacher, I know kids thrive on routine and consistency. If you’re home with your children who are normally at school, having some sort of a daily schedule will keep everyone sane, no matter their age! I’m not going to pretend we won’t have…

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Goals for 2018


sweater | jeans | planner | notebook | bed | sheets

Alright so I’m finally doing a New Year’s post. I had high hopes of getting a ton of work done while we were at our parents’ houses in Boston over Christmas and on vacation in Aruba, but that just didn’t happen. I did more Hallmark movie watching and pool lounging than blogging. So now it’s two weeks into the new year and I’m sure plenty of people have already stopped their resolution to…

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